These are the Crimson Wings rules. Please follow and respect them.
1. Play for the enjoyment not for to win.
2. No Cheat/Moding/Hacking in official games. If caught you will be expelled from the clan.
3. Treat other members with respect.
4. Treat other gamers fairly and with respect.
5. You cannot be a part of another clan that participates in the same games as Crimson Wings.
6. No Team killing or general betrayals in general.
7. If possible help out your fellow members when you can.
8. If you are going to be absent for an extended period of time notify the Leaders and the clan.
9. Only the Clan leaders can Expel or Accept Members.
10. Respect the Clan ranking system.
11. Respect Clan Leaders.
12. Be active in the clan and on the forums.
These rules are pretty easy to follow. Just don't be a jerk and treat others with resepct, follow the rules and help out the clan and you'll do fine.